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You can search for books by clicking on the search link on the main bar at the top right. Enter the search term in the appropriate field, which you can also enter without diacritics. It is much more practical to enter only part of the search term. You will automatically be shown quick previews of our books. When you click enter, you will see a detailed search.
In the Detailed Search, you can choose the fields to search in. You can also refine your search by using the modifiers quotes "finds the exact term" and minus -excludes the phrase from the search.
If you are looking for a book called Basnik a zena by Ján Smrek, all you need to do is enter part of the term as Basnik and ž or Basnik a zena in the appropriate field. If you enter only the first letter of the search term, i.e. the letter b, the search engine will offer you all terms containing the letter b, so it is much more practical to enter part of the search term. When you enter the term "Basnik a zena", you will only find books with this exact name. When you click enter, you will be taken to a detailed search, where you can select a more detailed selection of search terms, for example by year of publication and the like.