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If you want to close the order and then send it, click on the cart symbol again. Select Continue to shipping and payment, where you will fill in your address to which you want the books to be sent, choose a payment method and delivery method. You can find a detailed description of the postal conditions and prices directly here. Fill in the address to which you want the books to be sent. If you wish to send the order or invoice to a different address, uncheck the Delivery address is the same as the billing address box and fill in the delivery address field. When purchasing on behalf of a company, do not forget to fill in information such as IČO and DIČ. Please choose a payment method and delivery method.
If you have any questions or other requirements regarding the order, write them in the order note field or send them to our e-mail address: If you have decided to change something in the cart, you can return to the cart by clicking the Back to Cart box. If you wish to continue to complete the order, click the Continue button. You can also edit your order here. If your order is complete, select the I agree to the Terms and Conditions and I agree to the processing of personal data for billing purposes option and then click the Complete order button. After confirming the order, you will receive another confirmation email with any payment instructions.
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After logging in, you have an overview of your orders, in which you will find your current, not yet completed order under the new label. If you want to close the order, go back to the cart and send the order.
The shipping amount is calculated automatically and can be found in the cart menu. Important information, including shipping costs, can be found in our terms and conditions.
If you are our regular customer, we would like to offer you the option of registering. Registration on our website has several advantages:
- when ordering, you do not have to fill in all your contact details again
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If you want to register, click on the Login/Registration link on the main bar at the top right and fill in the required information.
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You can search for books by clicking on the search link on the main bar at the top right. Enter the search term in the appropriate field, which you can also enter without diacritics. It is much more practical to enter only part of the search term. You will automatically be shown quick previews of our books. When you click enter, you will see a detailed search.
In the Detailed Search, you can choose the fields to search in. You can also refine your search by using the modifiers quotes "finds the exact term" and minus -excludes the phrase from the search.
If you are looking for a book called Basnik a zena by Ján Smrek, all you need to do is enter part of the term as Basnik and ž or Basnik a zena in the appropriate field. If you enter only the first letter of the search term, i.e. the letter b, the search engine will offer you all terms containing the letter b, so it is much more practical to enter part of the search term. When you enter the term "Basnik a zena", you will only find books with this exact name. When you click enter, you will be taken to a detailed search, where you can select a more detailed selection of search terms, for example by year of publication and the like.
For the book we offer, we list not only its author, title, subtitle, publisher, year or price, but also a special order code by which we can identify the book at any time. We also try to provide information about the condition of the product offered. However, if you would like to ask something about a specific book that you want to order, send your questions and comments to our e-mail address and do not forget to include its order code with the book title.
For this item, we always list the publisher of the given publication and the place of publication.
Year of publication:
We list the year of publication according to the book's imprint. If the imprint does not contain the year of publication, which is especially characteristic of old books, we try to give at least an approximate dating. We also try to inform you about this fact in the annotation for a specific product.
We list the language according to the language in which the given book was written. When it comes to multilingual publications, we try to list the main language.
Binding type:
We divide bindings into two basic groups, namely original/original bindings and non-original/non-original bindings, or so-called rebound. The original binding is the one in which the book was bound by the publisher. Rebound book was usually made by the book owner, either for better handling or to match his library. For old books, we also list period of rebound. This is usually a non-original binding, but created close to the year of publication.
Binding types:
Cardboard binding - the covers and spine of the book are made of hard paper
Leather binding - a hardcover book bound in leather
Laminated binding - the covers and spine are made of hard paper that has been laminated. This binding is typical for children's books
Cloth binding - a hardcover book bound in cloth
Parchment binding - a hardcover book bound in parchment. Parchment is a specially smoothed leather and this type of binding was used mainly for old books
Paperback binding - soft cover or so-called paperback
Half-binding - this type of binding consists of two different bindings. It can be half cardboard and half canvas, the specific type of binding is always determined by the spine of the book, which means that, for example, a half-leather book is a book with cardboard covers and a leather spine
Loose leaves - the book is not bound or the loose leaves are inserted in cardboard or boards
If the book also has a paper cover, so-called wrapper, we indicate this in description.
Number of pages:
If the book is new, we indicate the last numbered page. Blank leaves and unnumbered pages are included if they are old editions. Loose leaves or leaves in general are listed according to the standard.
In the annotation, we provide not only a brief description, but also other important information about a particular book, which you can find in our database.
For books after 1945, we provide a brief assessment of their current condition. This is a short one- or two-word description such as good, very good, etc. Since we sell second-hand books, their condition corresponds to normal wear and tear. The condition of a commonly read book is listed as good condition. If the description of the condition of the book you are interested in is insufficient for you, please write to us at our e-mail address. We can provide you with additional information, including photos. We describe old titles and titles in a higher price category more thoroughly. In the described condition, we list all defects, which does not mean that the book we are describing is in very bad condition.
We always determine the size according to the height of the book.
2° Folio: more than 35cm
4° Quarto: height between 25 - 35 cm
8° Octavo: height between 15 - 25 cm
16° Sedes: height up to 15 cm
4° longitudinal: length greater than height, height of the book between 25 - 35 cm
8° longitudinal: length greater than height, height of the book between 15 - 25 cm
We always try to include the illustrator or author of the book cover if it is a significant person or if the individual illustrations are interesting. An empty field does not necessarily mean that the book is not illustrated.
We indicate the type of item according to the standard, e.g. book, postcard, poster, loose leaves, brochure, etc.
We always try to include the edition in which the book was published. We fill in the field if the edition is at least somewhat interesting to us. An empty field does not necessarily mean that the book was not published in any edition.
First edition:
If you find the description first edition in the book description, it means that this is the first edition of this publication. Attention! Publications falling under this category must meet the standards of a valuable book publication, or so-called bibliophile. We do not mark new titles, even if they are first editions, in this way.
If the book contains a signature of either the author or a significant figure, we state this in the book properties. Attention! The signature of the previous owner does not fall into this category.
The category informs where a specific book publication was classified in terms of its content. One book can be classified in several categories at the same time.
What to do if we do not have the book?
If we do not have the book you are looking for, write to us at our e-mail address and we will try to find the title for you. We buy books regularly, and we also maintain good contacts with other second-hand bookshops, including those in the Czech Republic and abroad. If the title you are looking for appears, we will be happy to inform you about it (by phone or by sending an e-mail).
Write to us also if you are interested in books from a certain field, with a certain theme, from a specific period, or if you are an active collector with specific requirements. We can prepare an attractive offer of our assortment for you and regularly inform you about new goods from your area of interest.