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Bc. Tomáš Lazar
Na Zigmund šachtu 1654/22
969 01 Banská Štiavnica
IČO: 43852114
IČ DPH: SK1078711986
Radničné námestie 19
Banská Štiavnica
The store is located in the center of Banská Štiavnica, opposite the city hall, on the main road, above the Coburg restaurant and the Archanjel bar.
Letná sezóna (1.5. - 18.10.):
Po - Pia: 9.00 - 18.00
So - Ne: 10.00 - 18.00
Zimná sezóna (18.10. - 1.5.):
Po - Pia: 9.00 - 17.00
So - Ne: 10.00 - 17.00
Eshop orders
Vybavujeme v čase 8:00-16:00
+421 (0) 907 927 506
More info about us also on our Facebook.
Book purchase and other inquiries are handled by
physical store according the opening hours:
+421 (0) 918 344 558
Bank connection: 1437478001/5600 Prima banka a.s., Banská Štiavnica, Slovensko.
IBAN: SK92 5600 0000 0014 3747 8001
We are the only Slovak antiquarian bookshop, that is member of International league of antiquarian booksellers ILAB. We meet high criteria of expertise and ethical rules of trading.