Crown Publishers, inc., New York, 1986 | | | |
Little, Brown and Company Boston - Toronto, 1998 | | | |
Macmillan Children´s books, 2010 | | | |
Penguin Books, London, 1983 | | | |
G. P. Putnam's sons, new York, 1981 | | | |
William Morrow & Co., New York, 1990 | | | |
A Jenny Cain Mystery Pocket Books, 1993 | | | |
Faber and Faber, London, 2017 | | | |
Vintage Books, London, 1993 | | | |
author of DRESS HER IN INDIGO and MORE GOOD OLD STUFF G.K. Hall , 1966 | | | |
An Orion Paperback, Great Britain , 1992 | | | |
A Tom Doherty Associates Book, New York, 1993 | | | |